
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Traditionally, for more than a dozen years, in the last week of September, Cracow opens up to participants of the International Congress on Internal Control, Internal Audit, Fraud and Anti-Corruption Issues. Experts from all over the world will come to discuss the most important changes, achievements and problems of specific areas. They will talk about their own experiences, plans and challenges.

Both detection and counteracting of corruption, abuses and economic or tax fraud are not easy. Methods and "defensive mechanisms", which were effective yesterday, may not work now. The reason is that criminals are remarkably more inventive and determined. They are not deterred by severe penalties. Moreover, they are favored by the gaps and imperfections of national, communal and international law and also progressive globalization.

They can effectively cover up traces or an identity and hide or "export" fortunes to tax havens. That is why it is so important to regularly exchange experiences and knowledge about the problems, challenges and perspectives which board and supervisory board members, auditors, internal controllers, specialists dealing with corporate risk management, prevention and detection of fraud and corruption, Governance and compliance at the international level have to face every day.

We cordially invite you to participate in the 18th International Congress on Internal Control, Internal Audit, Fraud and Anti-Corruption Issues which will take place on 26-27 September, 2019, in Cracow.

Suggested thematic areas:

  • Information security
  • Compliance
  • Cybersecurity
  • Ethics
  • Personal data protection and the requirements of the GDPR (RODO)
  • Anti-corruption systems and tools
  • Anti-fraud systems and tools
  • Risk management
  • Tax offences prevention with special regard to VAT carousels
  • Whistleblowing

* Topics will be regularly updated. 

* Lectures will be simultaneously interpreted into Polish or English.

Congress in numbers:

  • calendar-on-day-17  17 editions behind us!
  • In Cracow since 2002
  •  20 speakers, 10 hours of lectures
  •  12  PUK |  12 CPE

  • Board Chairpersons and Members of the Boards

  • Audit Directors

  • Internal Audit Directors

  • Controllers and Internal Auditors

  • Fraud and Corruption Examiners

  • Supervisory Boards Members

  • Financial Directors

  • Risk Management Directors

  • Financial Controllers

  • Fraud Prevention and Investigation Specialists

  • Ethics

  • conference materials

  • catering: coffee breaks, lunch

  • interpretation service

  • participation in the official banquet

Participants will be eligible to: 

  • 12 points of the Continuous Education Programme KLPAiKW

  • 12 CPE credits granted by NASBA / PIKW Registry ID:129051


Maciej Piołunowicz: prelegentDirector of Internal Audit Department at Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego.

Temat: Why most of KPI detract the audit?


Jolanta Hadera: hodera PhD in economics I have an over a decade professional experience in the finance sector (banking supervision, control, audit and risk management). As an auditor she has developed procedures and audit methodologies, internal regulations pertaining to internal audit and control, she also has conducted and managed audits.

Topic:  Automation of control mechanisms and verifying its effectiveness as a risk management element.



Ebbe von Arenstorff: Partner at DLP, Dansk Lean Partner, is a management consultant since 2003.As an Industrial Engineer Ebbe has been working on developing and changing companies towards sustainable improvements and visualization of performance. 

artur_mietus Artur Miętus: Internal Auditor - team job position at the Ministry of Health It is a separate organisational unit at the Ministry of Health reporting directly to the Minister of Health under the Public Finance Law of August 27th, 2009 (Official Journal 2009 no 157, item 1240 based on Official Journal 2019 item 869).

Topic: Design and organization of the corporate risk management system and design according to selected international standards. 



Niels Dalhoff: Partner at DLP, Dansk Lean Partner, is a management consultant with over 20 years of experience within Leadership and Organisational Development.


George Georgiou: Dr George Georgiou is Director General of Financial audits within the Ministry of Finance, Greece and (ex officio) Chairman of the Audit Coordination Committee.

Topic: Critical  factors in auditing  public entities  in a period of scarcity of funds.

Sanja Suman: avatar-sanjaM.sc. is certified internal auditor (CIA) with 20+ years of experience in internal auditing, risk management, business process improvement and project management.

Topic: The enemy within – causes and consequences of internal fraud.

Yevheniia Polishchuk: avatar-sanjaevheniia Polishchuk represents Corporate Finance and Controlling Department at Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman.

Topic: The face of occupational fraud and abuse: crosscountry aspects.

Nuno Castanheira: avatar-nunois a qualified head of internal audit with over 20 years of experience in the field of financial services internal audit. In his current role he is the director of internal audit at the Portuguese Mutual Guarantee System. Previously, he developed an extensive hands-on experience in conducting internal audits across all retail banking processes and products at one of the largest banks in Portugal.

k._kwiatkowski_ Karol Kwiatkowski – Director of Internal Audit in one of the ministries. Internal Auditor for over 10 years. Experienced in audit, project monitoring, risk analysis, internal controls evaluation.

Topic: Information security audit and IT systems controls as prevention measures against abuse and fraud in the public sector.

p-h-200x200 Paweł Harasiuk – Lawyer, currently working for the Norwegian Police as an investigator and Forensic Document Examiner; member of II level expert group at Nasjonalt ID Senter in Oslo (Norwegian Identification Centre), licensed trainer for certified 1st level trainings on investigating document forgery.

Temat: ID documents forgery and technical/forensic verification of authenticity.

prelegentMarcin Golizda (Rtd. Junior Inspector of Police); former Chief of Cybercrime Department of Criminal Bureau, National Police Headquarters He has been working for technical units and implemented new technologies in operational techniques and cybercrime prevention.

Topic: Vectors of changes in Poczta Polska SA in the scope of increasing the company's cybersecurity level.

Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Cracow University

address: Gustawa Herlinga-Grudzińskiego 1, Cracow 


Banquet place:

To be confirmed.




Apply today!




VAT is charged at the rate of 23 %.


A preliminary programme of the Internal Congress is now available! 


  • Jakub Puławski - Marketing Specialist
    e-mail: j.pulawski@pikw.pl  
    tel.: +48 (22) 620 95 40 | mobile +48 533 350 533
  •  Wioleta Gołaszewska - Training Inspector
    e-mail: w.golaszewska@pikw.pl 
    tel.: +48 (22) 654 10 44 | mobile +48 533 315 538

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